Club Governance

This section includes all the information relating to the club governance.
The current committee members are:
President – Jenny Goodacre
Vice President – Cath Fleming
Treasurer – Scott McDowall
Secretary – Caroline McGrory
Head Coach – Margo Wimberley
Wellbeing & Protection Officer – Glenys Norquay
Deputy Wellbeing & Protection Officer – vacant
Team Manager Coordinator – vacant
Development Coordinator – vacant
Fundraising Coordinator – Neil Thrower
Kit Coordinator – Paloma Flores
Camp Coordinator – Dagna Szczotka
Social Coordinator – vacant
Volunteer Coordinator – vacant
Website and Social Media Coordinator –  Sarah Wheatley
Club Captain – Rose McGrory
If you would like to contact anyone, please complete the contact form or email and your message will be forwarded on.

Edinburgh Artistic Swimming Constitution November 2023
Wellbeing and protection policy statement:
Edinburgh Artistic Swimming Wellbeing and Protection policy statement
Equality statement:
Edinburgh Artistic Swimming Equality statement
Codes of conduct:
Swimmer Code of Conduct
Coach Code of Conduct
Volunteer Code of Conduct
Parent Code of Conduct
Team Manager Code of Conduct

EAS adopts the following Scottish Swimming Policies:
Anti Bullying Policy
Mobile Phone policy
Digital Comms Policy
Health and Safety Policy
PVG Referral Policy
Club Secure Data Handling Policy
Safer Recruitment Policy
Recruiting people with convictions policy

Complaints and discipline procedures:
Complaints procedure
Disciplinary Procedure

Minutes of AGMs can be found here

Anti-doping rules:
Anti Doping and Clean Sport

Mental Health Resources:
Mental Health Signposting Resource