Club figure competition – September 2021

Due to covid the club has been unable to hold its figure competition in the same way as previous years. However, Swim England put together a Level X competition, which aimed to get swimmers used to being judged again. Swimmers competed in their grade groups over four phases, from June to August. The club did very well against other swimmers who competed.
We then took those results and used them for our own club figure competition. Anyone who had taken part in two or more of the phases was entered.

Swimmers competed in either their Age Group figures / element or figures from the grade they are due to take next.
At training on 5 September the results were revealed. The medals handed out by our President, Claire, feature the club’s original logo.
There was tight competition for the top spots but the results were:
Grade One –
1. Eve
2. Pola
3. Seraphina

Grade Two –
1. Zofia
2. Daisy
3. Eva

12&under / Grade Three –
1. Niamh M
2. Orla
3. Lily

13-15 / Grade Four –
1. Lucy
2. Olivia
3. Ella

Junior / Grade Five –
1. Niamh P
2. Cara
3. Kiku

The full results are below.
thumbnail of Club Championships 2021